Our Approach
Community Painters has been painting high quality curb address numbers only by request throughout upscale communities throughout California since 1981. We are an employee owned company with a dedication to the highest standards of custmer service, business ethics, product quality and support. Over this time we have perfected our system to deliver what we feel is a world class product that stands far above other quickly amateur jobs that are commonly the norm with curb address painting.
Contact Us:
Our preferred contact method is by email to: c o m m u m i t y p a i n t e r s a t y a h o o d o t c o m
Due to spammers you must properly format this email address before sending.
Please note, this email is for customers or others that have current business. We do not respond to commercial offers to this email. Please do not spam us.
You may also contact us or send payments by U.S. mail to:
Community Painters
5339 Prospect Rd #109
San Jose, CA 95129
Please include your address and/or 6 digit serial number for your job when sending payments.